Hello readers ! Lama dah tak jumpa ! Sorry , ebby ada hal sikit . Sorry sebab lama tak update ! So , let's start with the new story ! Okey , im really fine right now . Even , a lot things happen last week . so just forget about it gais . You deserved to be happy and keep smiling :)  Entry for today .... SMILE ! Yeah i'm smiling now . Thanks sebab chill kan ebby and ada dengan ebby :)

What happen last week? Lemme tell you , me and my crush punya story . Mesti bored korang dengar kan? So  , i will end it gais . Sebab no point oredy me wrote bout him . So ,stop asking bout him okey? Yes , eventho i still love the relationship and i miss the time me and him talking bout blabla .Me and him , will not talked anymore . Sometimes ada jee nak jauh dari dia , but u will meet him juga . So , maybe one day kot . One of us , will go jauh2 dari sini . Depends la tu kan?


When , i meet him? last week and this tuesday ... Yeah , i miss him actually . But me pretends like , i hate him and dont want to meet him . Paloi eh ebby . YOU STILL LOVE HIM KAN?? if yes pun , no one will care about this bah . CHILL EBBY ! Kalau dia jodoh , takkan kemana punya . :) I STILL REMEMBER GABBY SAY " ME TAK PERCAYA JODOH" . But me percaya about this . Sebab Jodoh itu Tuhan yang tentukan tuk kita . So , trust it gais and all the best for you love .

I need to go now . See you laters . Sayonaraaaaa readers . 

(。◕‿◕。) Enjoy read my blog.Follow me k?(。◕‿◕。)

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