Hello AUGUST ! WE MEET AGAIN ! New Month , new Chapter BEGIN ! I just need a new days , a new Boyfriend! lol Kiddin . I just need my family , my Gee and People i love is always stay and always love me .Hope August be nice to me And Love me okey august ! 

Love story? August? Me and Gee still Friends . Belum declare apa-apa lagi. Sabar okey? If ada apa-apa , nanti ebby share lagi okey? Yes even kitaorg macam ni , ebby still happy sebab dia still ada masa chat ,always there when ebby really need someone to make me forget the sadness happen . Thanks again gee , i hope you will always there and sabar dengan perangai ebby yang bit NGEK ini . I'm manja , i know that. Always Merajuk ,, and always makes you Marah sometimes kot . And , semalam ebby tanya , apa yang buat kamu suka ebby? Then you just answers. " something u feel , but cant see " .

Sometimes i feel , yang gee tak sayang ebby . Sorry if overthinking macam ini . :( But FYI, i really sayang this cute relay . Even you just anggap this CRUSH punya relay .I really hope one day , KITA BOLEH JADI LEBIH DARI ITU .OKEY? DONE TALK ABOUT LOVE .
About family? I love my family . Walaupun terjadi banyak krisis yang melanda bulan yang lepas . I hope this month , everything will be fine .May God bless MY FAMILY . 
I think . i will stop here .Thanks for reading my blog ! I will back soon. Sayonaraaaaaa Readers 

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