* Not my Picture*

Hello Beautiful  people ! How are you? Sayaaaa balik sudah ini . Okayyyyy , jum story Morry ! hahahahah xD

Tittle Hari ini ; " Hey , how are you ''. Mesti pelik kan , kenapa pelik saja tajuk tu . Bukan apa , sometimes sis ini rindu or entahlah . Susah pula mahu describe dia. Macam ni saja lah . This morning kan , sis nampak Aunty shanti tag Si MJ . You know siapa MJ kan? Dialah tu .HAHAHAHHA Kalau tahu , tahu la kan. Then stalk lah dia tadi di facebook tu . Tak Friend pun dengan dia sana , just tengok2 saja bah . Terjumpalah something ini. Yes , dia dah ada someone tau . I'm sooo happy finally he can find someone after breakup dengan saya . I'm happy for him and Girl please take care of Him okay . I know he is nice guy and pokoknya baiklah . Past is past kan , hoping korang happy and all the best . MJ was a good ex and then we breakup pun sebab dia stress with his life and his job . Tbh he take a good decision before and saya tahu dia sengaja cakap macam itu that day . Because i know , yang dia tak macam tu pun. yelah kan , bukan jodoh saya bah itu . Just i really want him happy again and loved by someone . okay? Thanks for 3/4yrs together . 

BAH , itu saja lah story saya . I will back again ,if saya rajin menaip okay! Moral of the story , you will meet someone who really love you . Accept all your weakness and love yourself . Now , i'm still looking for mr.right . hahahaha . Bahhhhh , see you again ! Kbye!

(。◕‿◕。) Enjoy read my blog.Follow me k?(。◕‿◕。)

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