im sory dear .

Dear boyfiee / Bie .

soryy if i make u sad today/ make u feel disspointed with me . very2 sory syg . if i do like that to you . ;"( . i hope u will forgive my fault . if all i do is fault , please forgive me . i hope our prblm will settle after this . and i still waiting for ur texting syg . i owes love you and i will never stop loving you . like i oews say to you . syg . please forgive me . and i promise will not do like this anymore . sory guyss . i wann cry when i thinking bout all this things. why? coz i love my boy . and i hope he will forgive me . promise will making u happy again . and i really miss u today . i miss ur voice/ laughing/ u kcau2 me . huhu .:'( syggg !! lastlyy . i miss u and i love you DOMINIC JOHN FULLSTOP! my heart just for youu .

soryyy ! if me jiwang2 here . HAHA . ~ campur gik eh . * tawa tapi hati cdeh * kbye

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