03 November

Lalan gan MR.D. we go to paxsen. he.. hepy mode.. :))
aFter lalan. we two go KfC. maM2.. yuM2... HEH
mam suda. n then we pusing2 the paxsen.. hee....
huhu... masa berjalan nan laju.. tpksa la gi.
coz me have class ..:( tingalkn MR.D sworg2..
so dear...:)
in car oreadi.. mYboyfrend.. mrh2 suda.. y?
dun need to noe larh.. :( sobss.. sobbss....
pa yg dibuat lam class .pown xtauk.. haha.
me and Pb JUSt take video op ross.
hee... after finish class..
back to home.. and text my boyfriend.
i mish my boyfriend.. walaupn we gduh. hehe..
at5.30.. my kazen umit asking me and maie sis.hangout.
haha... tgk kegiatan membuang adides.haha..
punya la malang..
tjumpa gan ______!! ehehe. v:)

hehe.. tats all la.. bye. blogger..:)

(。◕‿◕。) Enjoy read my blog.Follow me k?(。◕‿◕。)

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